28 August, 2010

AZADI Freedom - A Different Ski Movie

There are a lot of ski movies out there, MSP, TGR, Poor Boyz, Sweetgrass, and a bunch of others I can't really think of off the top of my head.  All of them are full of big lines, and crazy tricks, but personally I find they all meld together at this time of year.  A friend of mine, Anthony Bonello of B4apres Media, has put together a ski flick of his own.  It's called AZADI: Freedom, which will premier at IF3 in Montreal this year, and is much different than all the other films around.  It covers the the violent conflict in Kashmir, but through a skier's point of view,  which makes the film far more interesting and easy to relate too.  So check it out, there is also a great interview with Anthony on Biglines, and when it comes to town be sure to get some tickets to see it.

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